Saturday, 21 October 2017


Strikes. temporary stoppages of work by a group of employees in order to express a grievance or enforce a demand.
To punish.To subject to a penalty for an offense, sin, or fault.
Punishment.The imposition of a penalty or deprivation for wrongdoing
I make you something.Obligar a alguien a hacer algo.
To look forward to +ing.Estoy deseando verte
We come a long way. Hemos recorrido un largo camino
To point at. Apuntar hacia/ a
Socket. An opening or a cavity into which an inserted part is designed to fit
Power button.

Lightly. Suavemente
Fasten your seatbelts. Abrocharse los cinturones
Requests. To express a desire for, especially politely
The door opened a crack. Se abrió un poco la puerta
Opened up wide. Se abrió más la puerta
In sight. A la vista
Slammed. To shut with force and loud noise

To budge. Mudarse
You're hopeless! Válgame Dios
Dust. Fine, dry particles of matter.
Peeked over. have a look
To flee. To run away, as from trouble or danger
Huffing and puffing
To face up reality. Afrontar la realidad.
Daring. Willing to take or seek out risks; bold and venturesome

High quality.

Bully. A person who is habitually cruel or overbearing, especially to smaller or weaker people.
Victims.One who is harmed or killed by another, especially by someone committing a criminal or unlawful act:
Star. An artistic performer or athlete whose leading role or superior performance is acknowledged.
Founder. a person who establishes an institution, company, society, etc
It doesn't take him long! Tarda poco en hacer una acción


Tuesday, 20 June 2017


Sensible. Is well behaved and always does the right thing
Sensitive. Cares about other people's feeling
Strong. Doesn't get upset easily
Stubborn. Doesn't want to do things that other want to do
Talkative. Loves chatting
Thoughtful. Thinks about what other people want and think
Unpredictable. You don't know what is he or she going to do
Vain. Think about their physical appearance too much
Patient Marked by or exhibiting calm endurance of pain, difficulty, provocation, or annoyance.
PowerfulHaving or capable of exerting power.
Kind. Having or showing a friendly, generous, sympathetic, or warm-hearted nature.
CubOne of the young of bears, wolves, lions, pandas, or certain other animals.
Handlerspersons involved in the handling of, for example, circus animals.
Endangered animals. species of animals (and plants) whose existence on earth is threatened, principally by the activities of humans.
Pick on. Treat someone unfairly
Look up to. Respect someone
Put up with. Accept something that is annoying
Get on with. Have a friendly relationship with someone
Turn to. Go to someone for help or advice
Fall out. Stop being friends because of an argument
Tell off. Speak angrily to someone for doing something wrong
Make up with. Make friends with someone after an argument

Tuesday, 6 June 2017

Wednesday, 24 May 2017


bus stop
Is this the bus stop for the number 12 bus?
In the tropics you can see fire-flies at night.
Shall we play football today?
full moon
I always feel crazy at full moon.
Clean the blackboard please.
I can't install this software on my PC.
We always eat breakfast at 8am.
washing machine
Put the clothes in the red washing machine.
swimming pool
What a beautiful swimming pool!
I like to get up at sunrise.
You need a haircut.
His hobby is train-spotting.
Please remember that check-out is at 12 noon.
prepositional phrase
My mother-in-law lives with us.
Do you think the police accept money from the underworld?
We need 10 bucketfuls of water.

Monday, 8 May 2017


Being environmentally friendly means having a lifestyle that are better for the environment.Its all about taking small steps to make this planet a better place for our next generations.


What is it made of? De qué material está hecho ese producto?
Get rid of. Deshacerse de algo
To pollute. Contaminar
Starvation. Morirse de hambre
To dump. Tirar, deshacerse de lago
To bury. Enterrar algo para deshacerse de ello
Greenhouse effects. Efecto invernadero
Even/ odds numbers. Números pares e impares
Suitable. Adecuado
Throw away. Tirar a la papelera o basura pequeña

To poison. Envenenar a los peces
Landfill sites. Campos o praderas utilizados para enterrar residuos normalmente radiactivos.
Charities. Por caridad, sin ánimo de lucro
Tyres. Neumáticos
To avoid. Evitar
Injured. Dañado, herido
Local council. Ayuntamiento
Wollen... Hecho de lana, forma abreviada para en vez de escribir ''made from wool'' decir solo wollen...


Airship. Zepelín
Blizzard. Ventisca
Compass. Brújula
Damage. Daños, desparfectos.
Dropped. Bajó (temperaturas)
Failure. Fracaso
Fasten your seat belts. ''Abróchense los cinturones''
Frostbite. Congelación
To get stuck. Quedarse atrapado
Highness. Alteza
Hut. Cabaña
To land. Desembarcar
Overboard. Expresión usada para decir ''Se calló por la borda''
Reported. Informó a la prensa
Scurvy. Escorbuto
Set up. Montar, en el caso del libro montar un campamento
Shivered. Tiritaban
Shovelled. Quitar, en el caso del libro, hielo con palas
Sled. Trineo
Slid. Deslizar(se)
Slippery. Resbaladizo
Take off. Despagar
''The air was pouring out''. El aire nos salía del interior (congelado)
Weapons. Armas
Will blast our way out. Nos abriremos paso con la explosión
Windscreen wipers. Limpiaparabrisas
Wreckage. Restos (de Amundsen)
Ship-owner. Dueño el barco
Take control of. Tomar el control de...
Telegram: Telegrama
Throats: Gargantas
Blanket. Mantas
To Sink. Hundir (se)
Crew. Tripulación

Monday, 24 April 2017


Being environmentally friendly means having a lifestyle that are better for the environment.Its all about taking small steps to make this planet a better place for our next generations.

Be eco-friendly in the bathroom:
  • Turn the tap off when brushing your teeth.
  • Have quick, refreshing showers instead of water wasting bath
Think energy savings:
  • Turn off the light whenever you leave the room, even if you are going to go back in a couple of minutes.
  • Don’t have unnecessary energy running when you won’t use or need it. Switch off that CD player, and limit your TV 
  • Turn off the computer when not in use.
  • Keep radiators off when it's not terribly cold.
Think about what you throw away and what you could use more than once. 
  • Reduce the amount of waste that is being produced, use things more than once, and give things to others that you don’t want any more.
  • Reuse things that can be used more than once
  • Recycle more. Paper, cardboard and cards can be made into something new. Put them into your recycling bin
Plant trees.
  • They keep the land from eroding, they clean the air, they provide shelter for animals.
Use fewer chemicals.
  • Use alternative cleaning solutions.
  • Replace shampoos, conditioners and soaps with natural versions. Your body will thank you, too.
Never dump hazardous waste materials down the drain or into the grass.
  • Paint, motor oil, ammonia, and other strong chemical solutions should not be dumped down the drain because they'll seep into the groundwater.

Change that light bulb

  • we know they’d be replacing it with a CFL, or “compact fluorescent light.” Like most eco-friendly gadgets, they’re more expensive up front , but they use a quarter of the energy and last 10 times longer

Sunday, 2 April 2017


Monday, 27 March 2017


  • What can I do that I couldn't do before?
  • What did I like most?
  • What did I do well?
  • What am I confused about?
  • What did I do in English outside the class?
  • What do I need to improve?
  • What did I learn about culture?

Hi everyone! 
We are finishing the second terms and now I am veeery nervous because there are a lot of exams to do yet.
But anyway,that's my business! This is one expression that I have learned this term I have also learned more things like the past perfect tense or a lot of weird vocabulary that I didn't know, I learned the different misunderstandings that you can have when you travel abroad,I learned what does it mean ''gap'' hhaha it's very important this word for me because it is the typical word that you learn and you will never forget haha.I learned the different types of agricultural landscapes in Geography,this part of the term was the most  boring because I don't know it's something that you must know and it was a little bit boring but a good point of that unit was learn the names of different types of fish,animals or crops,as well as in English that we have learned the types of crimes and criminals; but the best part of this term in Geography was the unit which was about forms of government,laws and the political system in Spain,because I love talking about these things...I don't know haha I think that are really interesting. In Physical Educatiton we have learned how to do acrosport and how to play badminton,I really love playing badminton!

In English and Geography we read a book about Marco Polo's and Roald Amundsen's journeys,it was interesenting know about the lifestyle of those years; we also did a project about a country,I chose New Zealand and I learn a lot of this country,for example that is part of an association called ''Commonwealth'' or the main sports there like rugby. I think that it will be really funny and enjoyable if we do for the nest term a videoclip in which we show the best parts of the other terms and pictures about us.It will be great...but it's just a suggestion!

I think that I do a good job this term and that I did my best effort, but I can improve more in different skills like vocabulary.But they were a good and funny months hahaha because Cristina's and Teresa's classes are pretty funny and enjoyable because we learn things but without the same techniques like 'open the book page 37 and copy that vocabulary' and the way they teach it's great and we learn new things everyday.

Hope the next term will be better than this was!

Wednesday, 15 March 2017



This picture is  a landscape from Zaragoza, Aragón, Spain. It lies on the south bank of the Ebro River
You can see clearly that is an agricultural landscape because as the definition that Teresa gave us,it's land that has over time been transformed by human beings and by farming activities ir order to obtain products from nature.

Let's talk about the different characteristics of its physical factors; Zaragoza it's formed by valleys, mountain ranges and cliffs because of the Prepyrenees (Moncayo). Its climate is a Continental one,that is characterised of regular precipitations and high temperatures throughout the year as you can see bellow: 

Now we are going to talk about the plots,as you know the plots can vary in size, in this case some are quite big because you can't see the end of them. They are enclosed fields because are irregular plots separated by fences and roads of that village.

The farming system that is used here, is monoculture system, in which each farmer grow a single crop in his plot/s. Here in Zaragoza the main crops to grow are: cereals like corn and fruit trees like orange,tangerine,peach,lemon and apple trees.
All of these crops are crops that grow by the method of irrigation  in which a controlled amount of water is supplied to plants at regular intervals for agriculture; using  irrigation sprinklers. It is also intensive agriculture that happens in densely populated areas and in which farmers use fertilisers and machinery, the aim of this type of agriculture is to make the productivity higher.

Tuesday, 14 March 2017


Raised me. When somebody look after you, and give you a place to ive,food and education.
'I made him crazy' When someone is always doing things and is very nervous he make the rest crazy      and nervous too.
Beards. Hair that grow on the lower part of men's faces.
Pope. Is the head of the Roman Catholic Church and the bishop of Rome.
To escort. To protect someone from other people.
Westerners. The people that lived at the west of the world (Spain,Italy,Rome)
Balcany.An elevated platform on the outside wall of a building.
Donkeys. A mammal similar to the horse and that is a domestic animal.
To pray. To offer thanks, a  God or a divine figure.
Fabrics.  A cloth made by the weavuen threads.
Crowded. ADjective used to say that a place is full of people.
Spices. A type od condiment that is used to enfasize meals' flavours.
Friars. A man who is a member of the Roman Catholic Church or of a mendicant order.
Holy Oil. Liquid sticky and smooth that has been consagrated by the Pope.

Silk Road. 

To worship. When you pray at or for something.
To weave. To lace together threads to form a fabric.
Mirage. An image that someone sees in a desert and is an ilusion.
Cane. A short staff used to assist one in walking.
Silk cords. Threads that are made of a very special and expensive fabric,the silk.
To kneel. To go down and rest on your knees, it's a gesture that you must do when you are in front of       an important person.
Widows. When the husband of a women dies and she is alone.
Tent. A shelter of cloth,held up by poles and held down by sticks.
Ambassador. A diplomatic official of the highest rank sent by one country to live in another as a             representative figure.
Bried. A woman newly married or one that is going to get married.
To wave goodbye. To say goodbye doing a gesture with your hand from right to left.
Prison cell. A small room in a convent or a prison.



Here it is the link of our project of New Zealand. Hope you like it!

Made by: Álvaro Calvo, Irene Gómez and Gadea Rodríguez

Saturday, 11 February 2017



Shopping online. A way to shop like you do normally but online.
Saving up. Not spend money for a time,because you want something in special.
Brands. make or version of a product
Are worth. That they're value
Sale. a special offering of goods at reduced prices
Discount. to deduct a certain amount from
Bargains.a purchase to one's advantage, at less than the usual cost.
Department stores. A big building that has a lot of shops and cafes.
'How long have I been here? Since 6:00'
Cost a fortune. Can't afford it
Afford. You can buy it
Waste money.
'We've queued for nine hours'
Sport gear. Equipación
'I'm after...'
'I've got my eye on...'
Magnets. a body, as a piece of iron or steel, that has the property of attracting certain substances, as iron.They are usually souvenirs.
To borrow. to obtain (something) with a promise to return it
To lend. to grant the use of (something) on condition that it or its equivalent will be returned
Customer. a person who purchases goods or services from another;buyer
Half-price. It costs the half part of the start price
Shop owner. A person that owns a shop
Souvenirs. an object that recalls a certain place, occasion, or person


Archery.                          Athletics.
Hockey.                               Judo.
Surfing.                                    Trampolining.
Music composition.                               Drama.
Street dance.                                       Street dance.
Fashion design.                                        Creative writing.
Survival skills.                                                          Rock climbing.
Trail biking.                                                 Sailing.
Kayaking.                           Wakeboarding.


JOIN IN                                   CATCH UP

TRY OUT                                  PICKED UP

TAKEN UP                                       MISS OUT 


Saturday, 14 January 2017



1.     Where in the world is Africa?
2.     How many times is Africa larger than The United States?
3.     How is the savanna defined in the video?
4.     Which animals can be found in the savanna biome?
5.     Where is located the chaparral biome in Africa?
6.     Which are the most famous deserts in Africa?
7.     The main natural resources mentioned in the video are ....

1. Africa is located at the South of Europe and at the Southwest of Asia.
2. Africa is three times the size of The United States.
3. The savanna biome is defined in the video as a grassy plain which covers nearly half of Africa.It's characterized by scattered trees among a landscape of grasses and shrubs.
4. The most common animals that can be found in the savanna biome are elephants and giraffes.
5. The chaparral biome is located at northern coast of Africa and along the Mediterranean coast and there is also in the south of Africa as well.
6. The most famous deserts in Africa are the Sahara desert, the Namib desert and the Kalahari desert.
7. The main natural resources mentioned in the video are gold mines,rober trees and oil.

1. Africa runs 5 000 miles from the Mediterranean sea all the way down to the Cape of Good Hope and 4 600 miles from Cape Verde all the way over to Senegal
2. Biomes are climate zones and throughout that area, throughout that climate zones , you can see the same average temperature and average precipitation what that means is that you also see very similar fauna and vegetation living in that region.
3. The most famous desert in Africa is, of course, the Sahara desert. Now, some parts of the Sahara desert are sandy, like you can see here. Other parts of the Sahara desert are rocky but in either case, the fact that it is very dry is going to make it a very difficult barrier to cross.
4. It is not the rain itself that’s particularly important, it’s also the biodiversity There are many different fauna and vegetation That can be found in the rain forest and that’s one of the thing that makes the rain forest so valuable not just in Africa but throughout the Earth.
5. The Nile is the most famous river in Africa, because is the largest  river in the world. But there is also the Congo river which is the naive longest river in the world.
6. Africa actually has its own version of the Great Lakes with famous lakes like lake Malawi,lake Victoria and lake Tanganyika.
7. All the Africa is a plateau. Meaning that Africa itself is an elevated land. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t find any mountain ranges like, for example, the Atlas mountains in northwestern Africa.
8. Africa also has some interesting mountains like Kilimanjaro mountain , the highest mountain in Africa which seems to just rise on it own out of the ground

9. The Great Rift Valley refers to a region of Africa that is literally, being split apart. There are some tectonic plates that are located within or near Africa, that are, actually moving away from each other, and what’s doing is creating not just some of the highest elevations in Africa, but also lakes like Tanganyika that is among the deapest in the world.