Monday, 19 March 2018


Hi everyone!
We have finished the second term and now I am quite relaxed than the last two weeks.

But anyway,that's my business! This term I have learned lots of new things like all the different types of conditionals or the passive voice tense or a lot of weird vocabulary that I didn't know.

Other things I learned about are the type of food that is good for you and your organism. We also have revised the phrasal verbs and typical adjectives from technological devices.

We read a book of Edgar Allan Poe called 'The murders in the Rue Morgue and other stories'. For this term we have to read 'The Masque of the Red Death' and 'The Pit and The Pendulum'. I like the two stories but my favourite is the first one. It is about the 16th century and the plage that was devastating Europe. It shows an important message and 'lesson', which is that, everything you do, even is bad or good, will have impacts.
Resultado de imagen de the mask of the red death

Resultado de imagen de rock itI think that I do a good job this term, but I can improve more in different skills like vocabulary or just study a little bit more, but because of all the things of the scholarship and the enthusiasm I haven't paid the enough attention :( .
But I'm sure the next and last term of ESO, I will rock it ✌

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